Sainte-Maxime Apart’ Hotels
2 Rue Henri Frenay - Villa les Mouettes - 83120 Sainte-Maxime - (EI)
This rental is made under the ordinary and legal conditions in such matters and in particular to those below
which the tenant undertakes to perform, under penalty of all damages and even termination of these presents, if
good seems to the owner and without be able to claim a reduction in rent.
No dispute concerning the price of the stay can be taken into account after the signing of the contract. It is up to
the tenant to assess, before signing, if the price suits him. The following charges are not included in the rental
price and will be included, in addition to the contract: tourist tax, heating, paid options possibly subscribed by
the tenant.
After receiving your reservation, we will send you a written confirmation and a contract by email. The amount of
the reservation, the deposit, the options, any charges and the security deposit are indicated on your contract. We
invite you to return to us, within a maximum period of three days, the signed contract as well as the reservation
deposit of an amount equal to 35% of the total. You confirm your full agreement with the General Conditions of
Sale specified herein. Please note that without payment of the deposit within the time limit, the reservation is not
confirmed and that, accordingly, we reserve the right to rent the accommodation. If the amount of the deposit is
paid at the time of booking, the balance of the stay and the options are paid one month before the start of the
stay. The means of payment accepted are as follows: transfers, checks, bank cards, holiday checks and cash (up
to a limit of 1,000 euros for this latter method of payment). An invoice can be issued upon request. For tenants
who are not French residents, payments must always be made by transfer to the bank account indicated on the
contract, all of the bank charges remaining payable by the originator.
The tenant rents the accommodation for a fixed period, listed on the contract, and may not under any
circumstances claim any right to maintain occupancy. In general, the rental cannot be extended without the prior
written agreement of the rental company, the tenant thus accepting it. The lease automatically terminates at the
end of the fixed term, without the need to give notice.
The tenant cannot cancel his rental. It is agreed that in the event of withdrawal: - More than a month before the
rental takes effect, the tenant loses the deposit paid. - Less than a month before the rental takes effect, the tenant
will pay the balance of the rent. Cancellation can be covered by cancellation insurance to be taken out
individually by the tenant. The insurance intervenes in the event of cancellation of the rental for reasons of
accident or serious illness. It is valid from the day of signing the contract until the end of the rental. The tenant
who did not notify the owner would be required to pay the balance in full.
We ask you to verify that you have comprehensive vacation insurance and send us a certificate if necessary.
For all rentals a security deposit is required.
This deposit must be paid on the day of arrival.
It is returned after the inventory or, at most, within 15 days of the end of the rental.
The tenant agrees to use the rented premises with care.
The tenant will assume, in addition to the rental costs, any damage caused to the accommodation, as well as the
cost of replacing any lost, destroyed or damaged object.
The tenant is responsible for any damage that he or the people accompanying him could cause intentionally or
through negligence.
Charge applicable per person over 18 years old and per night, decided and voted by the municipality of Sainte-
Maxime and payable to the Public Treasury by the Appart ’Hôtels structure.
It is listed on the contract and is required upon arrival.
The tenant must appear on the day specified when making his reservation, at the earliest at 4:00 p.m. (time of
availability of the accommodation and time of handing over the keys) and, at the latest, at 10:00 p.m.
The inventory and the departure must take place before 11:00.
We insist on respecting the agreed time: the cleaning staff intervening on very short deadlines and on several
accommodation, we ask you to facilitate their task, as we asked the tenants who preceded you .
This rental has only been granted on a seasonal basis, the tenant agrees to vacate the premises on the date and
time provided for in the contract.
Obligation to occupy the premises personally, to live in them "as a good father".
The accommodation must, under no pretext, be occupied by a number of people higher than that indicated on the
contract, except prior and exceptional agreement of the owner.
If necessary, the owner may claim a rent supplement, or refuse to provide the accommodation if he cannot be
sure that the tenant will respect the maximum number of people provided for the rental of the accommodation.
In this case, no refund whatsoever to the tenant can be considered.
All the installations are in working order and any complaint concerning them occurring more than 24 hours after
the entry into use of the premises, cannot be accepted.
Furthermore, having their domicile indicated at the address mentioned in the rental contract, the tenant is not
entitled to sublet.
The owner is required to:
- Deliver the leased premises in good condition for use and repair, as well as the equipment mentioned in the
contract in good working condition.
- Assure the tenant the peaceful enjoyment of the leased premises and guarantee him from vices and defects
likely to hinder them.
- Maintain the accommodation in a condition to serve the intended use.
- Provide the equipment in relation to the number of people provided for in the contract.
The accommodation is returned to the tenant in perfect condition of cleanliness and storage, the household
appliances are clean and in perfect working order, the premises (interior and exterior) do not show any sign of
deterioration whatsoever.
- The tenant recognizes that the seasonal rental is concluded as a temporary residence and for pleasure.
The premises cannot be used as primary or even secondary housing and the tenant may not practice any
commercial, craft or professional activity there.
- The tenant must behave as a good father and ensure the proper maintenance of the accommodation during the
- Furniture and furnishings must only suffer from depreciation from normal use for which they are intended.
- The tenant is obliged to use the furniture and objects furnishing the accommodation for the use for which they
are intended and in the places where they are located.
It is strictly forbidden to transport them outside the rented premises.
- The tenant must not do anything which, by his act or by the fact of his family or his relations, could harm the
tranquility of the neighborhood or of the other occupants.
- The tenant answers for degradations and losses which occur by his own fact or by the fact of people of his
house, during the enjoyment of the accommodation.
Options are offered with the reservation contract.
We reserve the right to invoice and deduct from the deposit additional cleaning hours (hourly cost: 30 euros), in
addition to the cost of this service, which would cause a manifestly abusive situation on this point.
Loan of baby equipment (high chair and travel cot): to be requested when booking.